Getting Started Box? 9:37 The mysterious tester program already on the Pokitto 10:20 Connecting to PC/Tablet [Spoilers!] Assembling & Connecting - Pokitto Getting Started tutorial 1 [Spoilers!] Assembling & Connecting - Pokitto Getting Started tutorial 1 ...Read more >>
Attention: there is a NEW EASY PROGRAMMER that helps you with connecting to Windows and Mac OSX The instructions on this page will be updated soon. Meanwhile check the link below for the easiest way to connect Pokitto to Windows and Mac PokittoPOP Guided Programmer (Win & Mac) v0.1 /c/pokitto-sof... ...Read more >>
...h new Kraken loader by @bl_ackrain Ready-made disk of Pokitto games and demos #1. Make sure you have the latest loader Flash this .bin to your device start.bin (256 KB) #2. Extract gamedisk contents to SD card (remember, card in FAT32 format!) Instructions Do... ...Read more >>
...very basics of how to write, compile and store a simple program for the Pokitto in the mbed online ecosystem. There is now a ready-made Hello World! starter project available, all you need to do is to create an mbed account: 00:30 - loggi... ...Read more >>
...OSX / mbed online compiler Problem Macintosh likes to put extra files on USB drives. Since Pokitto is so small, it can not handle these hidden (files starting with a "." dot) files. If you try to save directly from mbed online compiler to Pokitto, you will get a "disk full" error. That "disk full" is the... ...Read more >>

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